error 404: revolution not foundOligarchy isn’t an institution; it’s a disease. It seeps into the walls, into the fabric of every society, like mold that never goes away…Jan 22Jan 22
the feast of Philemon: on ruin, reckoning, and the spiral of becomingThey sat across from me, their authority assumed rather than earned, their gaze unrelenting in its scrutiny. I recognized them immediately…Dec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
paint me like one of your queer femmesFour weeks. That’s all it took for the carefully constructed barriers to crack. Four intense, soul-sapping weeks at work, and Martha’s…Jul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
non-binary femme as in existential liberationThe thing is, my gender dysphoria isn’t a constant companion; it’s more like a shy visitor that creeps in every month when my period…Apr 27, 2024Apr 27, 2024